Messy Bird

Sunday, September 9, 2012

life lately

It's nice to have time to sit down and write a blog. I don't often make time to do this but it's nice when I do.  Here lately, life has been good. Busy, but good. Camp is over so things have slowed down for the Jervis' considerably. I started work back up about two weeks ago and I have to tell ya, I really love it.
I work as an interpreter for the deaf at a community college here. When I first started in January I felt totally overwhelmed and incompetent. The more I use my signing skill, the more comfortable I am with the language, culture, and people.

I interpret three days a week from 9-5 with no breaks. Well, if you count walking from class to class a break... then I have small breaks throughout the day. Interpreting is an interesting profession. Your brain is at work 100% of the time that you are working. Your hands never stop, your eyes don't close and mind never stops storing and processing information. Needless to say, at the end of the day my brain feels a little like scrambled eggs. I have come to love feeling spent at the end of the day knowing that I worked hard. 

I absolutely adore the students that I get the pleasure of working with. I find myself learning something new from them everyday and for that I am grateful to them. The more I work, the more I love sign language. 

Taylor, God bless him, he is actually eager to learn sign language. I love him for that. I'm not sure if he does it because he really wants to learn or if it's because he knows it brings me joy. It has been really fun teaching him to sign! I almost can't wait to have kids just because I can teach them a little of what I know. 

Marriage continues to amaze me. Marriage is not for wimps.... that's for sure. At times it is hard because the Lord continues to use it to draw out the sin in my heart. That's the hard part. I think I've realized that anytime I feel like marriage is hard is because one of us isn't getting what we want and most of the time we can only get what we truly want from the Lord. If only I could remember that in those moments. 

My husband also continues to amaze me. He is truly growing into an incredible man after the Lord's heart. His pursuit of excellence inspires me to pursue it with him. As my selfishness continues to be revealed, his patience and grace seem to increase. I mean really... God must give him the ability to love me in the times when I am completely unlovable. What a picture of grace. Grace..... something that we get that we don't deserve. 

All in all, life lately has been wonderful. I am continuing to learn more than I ever thought I could. Whether it be about myself, about my God, about my husband, about a class I am interpreting.... I feel like I am just learning so much. I can only laugh when I look back six years and laugh at myself when I thought I knew it all.

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