Messy Bird

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So, as some of you know, my major is interpreting for the deaf! Yes I do sign langauge and no I do not read braile. haha SO many people ask me that... "oh yea, so you can read braile?!" Well, no. Braile is for blind people. I wish I could though! Talk about an incredible skill to have. Anyway, I wanted to starting blogging here and there about deafness. DOM DOM DOM!!! Most of you hearing people out there just got a little scared huh? "I can't talk to them, they can't hear me!" WHAT TO DO!?!?

1.STAY CALM! If you don't, you will look silly. Promise.
2. Smile and wave.. did you know waving is a universal Hello! Can't go wrong with that!
3. Some deaf people can lip read but not all so if you get lucky and they can lip read, go on and talk to them. Nice and clear.
4. Don't yell! haha I LOVE it when a hearing person starts talking REALLY loud thinking that maybe if I scream they will hear me. Nope. Good thought though. haha
5. If you don't know any sign language grab a pen and paper!

I'm hoping to get some videos up on here and teach you guys a little bit of ASL (American Sign Language) and talk about deaf culture because it is VERY different from hearing culture. Bet ya didn't even know they had a culture huh? Yea I was shocked too! I want to challenge you guys to be open minded about deafness and put away any preconcieved notion that you have about deaf people because I'd bet that it's probably not true. I'm excited about sharing some of what I know with y'all!

Deaf fact for the day!
93 percent of deaf children are born into hearing families; only 7 percent are born into deaf families.

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